News - Cluster Renewable Energy Hamburg
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News - Cluster Renewable Energy Hamburg

Industry news, external news and more - all at a glance

Aalborg, Denmark, was the setting for the first of the Transnational Working Days in the Northern Connections project. Over two days, more than 60 project …

How Denmark uses wind power and district heat from biomass to push ahead with its energy transition. In 2016, Germany produced around 31 percent of its …

Assessment by the Renewable Energy Hamburg Cluster. DHL, GP Joule, Innogy - all companies that have recently been focussing on adding electric vehicles to their …

The offshore industry between euphoria, consolidation and Brexit. London is a place that never sleeps. Every day, the media report fresh events in the British …

Renewable Energy Hamburg Side Event at Husum Wind 2017. What contribution could sector coupling make to supply security? Which legal prerequisites would be …

In recent weeks, there has been a lot of talk about the results of the first round of tenders for offshore wind energy in Germany, which showed that investors …

Hamburg Energie, AIDA Cruises and HPA Conclude Electricity Contract. With the latest port call by AIDAsol, the shore-side electricity infrastructure at Hamburg …

Tell us what you think! The value of certification to deliver cost-competitive wind energy Wind energy is already a key component of the world’s energy mix. But …

Since April 2017, leading global offshore park developer DONG Energy has also had an office in Boston, USA. The Danish utility has been operating on the US …

Events, News, Partner Profiles – the website for the EU project “Northern Connections” is taking shape. The first newsletter – sent in early April – included …

While in the electricity sector, the share of renewable energies has risen sharply in recent years to 33%, the share of the supply of renewable heat has …

“Primeval microbes” already populated the earth 3.5 billion years ago -  Prof Dr Paul Scherer, Dr Sandra Off and Katarina Wegner, HAW Hamburg, are …