Universities in Hamburg and the metropolitan region
© Khaled Ali / Unsplash

Universities in Hamburg and the metropolitan region

Technische Hochschule Lübeck

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Technische Hochschule Lübeck: Around 5,000 students study here in the academic fields of engineering, natural sciences, economics and architecture. Around 130 professors teach and conduct research in four departments and in numerous research areas, supported by around 300 employees. The regional roots are reflected in successful collaborations with partners such as the Hanse Innovation Campus (HIC), regional companies and scientific institutions.

TH Lübeck is a university with a clear profile: it is one of the universities in Germany with the most third-party funding. Its research and transfer, the e-learning area and the international degree courses are extraordinarily successful and recognized nationwide. High-quality, practice-oriented teaching forms the foundation that best prepares students for the job market and creates the ideal basis for lifelong learning.

The Scientific Center for Electric Mobility, Power Electronics and decentralized Energy Supply (EMLE) of Technische Hochschule Lübeck was founded as Research Group Renewable Energies and eMobility (EEeM) in July 2012 by Prof. Dr. Roland Tiedemann to deal with the technical and legal aspects of the energy and mobility transformation. We are aiming towards an environment-friendly decentralized energy supply and a sustainable traffic infrastructure based on electric mobility.

EMLE has a network in the areas of eletrical engineering, power electronics, drive chain technology, micro processor technique, legal and economic issues.


Technische Hochschule Lübeck
Wissenschaftszentrum Elektromobilität,
Leistungselektronik & dezentrale Energieversorgung

Mönkhofer Weg 239
23562 Lübeck

+49 (0)451- 300 5428
+49 (0)175-1999 300

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