Renewable Energy Hamburg
The industry network for future energies
Energy transition in Germany – a success story. From around 6 per cent in 2000, the proportion of renewable energy used in electricity consumption increased to around 60 per cent in 2024. And the ambitions are even higher: The national government has defined the target that at least 80 percent of Germany’s electricity consumption is to be covered by renewable energies by 2030. Thus, Germany is playing a key role in expanding the production of renewable energy and transmitting it.
Since 2010 the industry network Renewable Energy Hamburg (REH) has offered interested stakeholders the ideal platform for networking and information. Networking activities in various formats bundle and spread the expertise of its members. Core sectors of cluster activities are offshore and onshore wind energy together with solar energy, renewable heat, sector coupling and storage. The latest sector for the Cluster Renewable Energy Hamburg is the field of a green hydrogen economy: Since 2021, in cooperation with other public stakeholders like the Hamburg Ministry of Economics and Innovation and the business development agency Hamburg Invest, REH has established an ever growing hydrogen network in the Metropolitan Region of Hamburg.

Renewable Energy Hamburg was founded by the Free and Hanseatic City of Hamburg and the Registered Association for the Promotion of the Renewable Energy Hamburg Cluster. Both hold shares of 51 and 49 per cent respectively in the Renewable Energy Hamburg Cluster Agency GmbH. The Managing Director Jan Rispens and his team coordinate the cluster’s activities and represent it externally in accordance with the Cluster’s strategic guidelines. Renewable Energy Hamburg includes some 290 companies in the Metropolitan Region of Hamburg from the sectors of production, project development, research, finance, and legal consultancy.
Using various information channels such as newsletters, blogs and social media, Renewable Energy Hamburg provides the latest information not only on its own and its members‘ activities but also on national and international developments in the renewable energy sector.
Renewable Energy Hamburg offers its members and interested guests a broad range of virtual and on-site seminars on current energy topics alongside regular network meetings, conferences, company missions, and trade fair representations. Cooperation with other regions in Germany, Europe and world-wide is another important focal point. Joint projects, for instance EU-Interreg Projects, serve to initiate a long-term collaboration with selected international partners.
For international businesses, clusters and other partners and requests on the renewable energy industry in the Metropolitan Region of Hamburg, Renewable Energy Hamburg serves as the first access point.