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Two thirds of electricity demand in Hamburg can be met by solar power EEHH publishes ‘Solar potential study in Hamburg. The weather in Hamburg is not all bad!’
Solar power on the rise – on behalf of the Renewable Energy Hamburg (EEHH) Cluster Agency, the authors from TU Hamburg, Daniel John, Dr Christina Rullán Lemke, Prof Martin Kaltschmitt and Nicholas Tedjosantoso, as well as Prof Hans Schäfers, Deputy Head of the Competence Center for Renewable Energies and Energy Efficiency (CC4E) at Hamburg University of Applied Sciences (HAW Hamburg), examined the solar potential of the federal state of Hamburg. The total solar potential is around two thirds of the annual electricity demand and could supply 8% of the state of Hamburg with an output of 9.4 GWp and a yield of almost 7 TWh.
Jens Kerstan – Senator for the Environment, Energy, Climate, and Agriculture: “The TU Hamburg study on behalf of the Renewable Energy Hamburg Cluster Agency clearly shows just how much potential there is for photovoltaic expansion in Hamburg. We’ve been working on this issue for a long time and are leading the way with regard to the solar mandate: we’re the first federal state to have introduced a statutory solar mandate, which has applied to new-builds since the beginning of this year. And we’re bringing this solar mandate forward to 2024 for existing buildings – unlike most other federal states. As part of Federal Minister Robert Habeck’s solar offensive, we’re also reviewing other actions and initiatives. We’re still not satisfied with our progress to date. We must and will increase our efforts. As a densely populated city-state, Hamburg must make clever use of its existing potential for expanding renewable energies. Roofs account for around ten percent of Hamburg’s surface area, and then there’s the possibility of PV systems in rural areas and open-air car parks. And although PV systems cannot be installed on all roofs, this solar potential could cover two thirds of the annual electricity demand in Hamburg. In addition to decarbonisation in the industrial and transport sectors, this is another major driver of the urgently needed energy transition.”
“On behalf of EEHH, TUHH carried out an extensive study to investigate the solar potential in Hamburg. The result: in Hamburg alone, ‘low-hanging fruit’, i.e. areas and roofs with ideal conditions for photovoltaic installations, have huge potential for generating solar power. In purely financial terms, more than 60% of Hamburg’s electricity demand could be covered using these areas alone. The study was officially published at the end of March,” says Constantin Lange, EEHH Project Manager Innovation & Research.
Hamburg’s overall solar potential consists of three main PV applications: PV on rooftops, PV on agricultural land (agri-PV) and car park-PV. Rooftop-PV represents the greatest potential in Hamburg’s solar sector at 43 km² or 71.6% of the total viable area available. Detached houses have the largest individual potential, apartment blocks the second largest potential and the roofs of commercial and industrial buildings the third largest potential. Cost-effectiveness in use was demonstrated in all the case studies. In a scenario of increased e-mobility, the profitability of PV systems rises for all the case study examples, as a higher number of electric cars will grow the demand for electricity.
In addition to rooftop-PV, agri-PV on agricultural land also plays an important role, especially on reclaimed marshes in Altes Land and nature reserves in Vier- und Marschlande. Car park-PV is also worth mentioning, but, with an area of 21 ha or 0.3% of the total viable area available, lags well behind rooftop systems and agri-PV. In contrast, the authors found no significant potential for fenland or floating PV or for RIPV (Road Integrated Photovoltaics). High population and industrial densities represent the greatest challenges for PV projects in major cities such as Hamburg.