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Power-to-X for sustainable transformation From Hamburg to the World: EEHH delegation visits Fredericia, Denmark

Power-to-X for sustainable transformation
EEHH delegation visits Bunker Holding in Middelfart, Copyright: EEHH

In Frederica, several private and public energy suppliers, infrastructure operators and seven local councils have joined forces in the Triangle Energy Alliance to advance the sustainable transformation of the region based on renewable energies. As a model region for the networked energy transition, Hamburg has been closely liaising and working with Denmark for years. In 2023, Triangle Energy Alliance (TEA) visited Hamburg as part of a study trip. In return, the EEHH Cluster Agency (Sibyl Scharrer, International Cooperation Hydrogen) arranged for 14 companies from the Metropolitan Region of Hamburg to visit Fredericia on 4-5 June. The focus was on visiting hydrogen and CCSU (Carbon Capture Storage & Utilisation) projects and companies.

The trip began at Crossbridge Energy A/S. Crossbridge meets over 35% of Denmark’s liquid fuel demand for boats, aircraft, cars, tractors and trucks. Together with its neighbour, Everfuel, Crossbridge is developing Europe’s largest hydrogen factory as part of the HySynergy project. While Everfuel manufactures the green hydrogen, Crossbridge plans production lines for sustainable complex carbon products such as SAF, diesel and polymers. At the same time, the resulting waste heat is fed into the regional district heating grid.

Next up was Airco Process Technology. Airco is an industry-leading provider of decarbonisation technology and has installed more than 100 processing plants worldwide. The Airco team presented its highly innovative and patented technologies for biogas treatment, carbon capture and biomethane liquefaction. Airco is currently implementing an extremely exciting and innovative project with other partners in Kliplev, where high-quality biomethane is fed directly into the gas network.

The first day ended at Ørsted-Skærbækværket, where the Hamburg delegation was given an interesting tour of the combined heat and power plant that also has the carbon capture technology to produce e-methanol.

On the second day, TEA and the port company, Associated Danish Ports A/S (ADP), presented the Danish strategy for developing the hydrogen infrastructure around Denmark’s oldest port and the local concepts for developing an integrated energy system, as well as ADP’s plans to build a regional CO2 import infrastructure. Denmark regards Germany as a potential partner for this. Fredericia is part of one of Denmark’s four CO2 clusters.

At the end of the trip, Bunker Holding A/S gave an introduction to the existing and future regulation for global shipping with regard to decarbonisation targets and efficiency improvements. Bunker is a global market leader for bunker oil and fuels for the shipping industry, covering the procurement, distribution and supply of fuel and lubricants to ships, as well as the risk management of fuel costs.

Delegation members were very impressed with their Danish partners’ vision and projects. The EEHH Cluster Agency would like to thank the Triangle Energy Alliance for its support and believes a great deal of potential and synergies can be developed by intensifying liaison and cooperation with its Danish counterparts.

About Jingkai Shi

Profilbild zu: Jingkai Shi

Hamburg is the model region for the energy transition and the Germany’s wind capital with connections all over the world. The local renewable energy sector is thus a key partner for the international energy industry. In my role as a contact person for international cooperation in renewables, I’m responsible for REH’s relations with international industry networks, support REH’s members in their international activities, and help Hamburg gain a stronger visibility and perception on the world stage by using social media.

by Jingkai Shi