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„North Sea Wind Power Hub“- Consortium for a European Energy Transition Interview with Saskia Jaarsma, Tennet TSO and speaker at the Hamburg Offshore Wind Conference 2022

„North Sea Wind Power Hub“- Consortium for a European Energy Transition

In the following talk Saskia Jaarsma, Tennet TSO, explains the current challenges for transmission system operators.

REH: Dear Ms Jaarmsa, in which segment of Tennet are you working? What are your main tasks?

Saskia Jaarsma: "Within TenneT’s unit Large Projects Offshore, I am Head of the department Offshore Development. We focus on the safe and sustainable development and realization of offshore grid connections in Germany and The Netherlands, ultimately contributing to a high-performance and efficient offshore grid."

REH: Which are the biggest challenges for a transmission system operator such as Tennet?

Saskia Jaarsma: "Focusing on the offshore business, currently, we see a global focus on decarbonization targets in 2030. This leads to a global peak in offshore wind and grid projects, which will be very challenging to handle by the industry and supply chain. We must not only look at the 30 GW in 2030 offshore, but must implement a continuous acceleration of grid expansion onshore as well in order to also achieve the long-term goals from an energy system perspective.

In parallel, sufficient load needs to be developed onshore near the landing locations of offshore grid projects, in order to prevent major congestions in the transmission grid and absorb the renewable energy sources in the electricity system. Finally, global developments like a pandemic or war, cast a shadow on the business."

REH: For a true european energy transition we would neet a joint European energy market - how could that be realised?

Saskia Jaarsma: "The Offshore Strategy developed by the EC shows the need for an international approach to offshore wind development. TenneT supports further international alignment as we see benefits in a smartly meshed offshore grid. This is why we initiated the North Sea Wind Power Hub consortium – to trigger the thinking process amongst TSO’s and governments. We understand it takes time to develop cooperation of governments across maritime basins, to decide on market rules and a legal framework for hybrid projects. However, with the upcoming investment wave, we see an urgent need for decision making if Europe is to benefit from the national expansion plans until 2030."

REH: What do you expect from the new German government?

Saskia Jaarsma: "The offshore targets are clear, as well as the need to accelerate. We are in constant alignment as TSO’s with the government to find feasible approaches and new solutions. Looking at the 2030 targets, we should also be realistic to what we still can offer. By creating new solutions like a DC hub onshore or offshore, we’re aiming to accelerate projects and make efficient use of space and resources. The government could take a look to accelerate planning procedures as well as provide certain regulatory frameworks to support our early investments."

Thank you for the interesting interview!

Please register for the Hamburg Offshore Wind Conference on the 30th of March 2022:

About Astrid Dose

Profilbild zu: Astrid Dose

Talking, writing, organising – and having lots of fun! This is what my days at the EEHH Cluster look like. I’ve been responsible for public relations and marketing for the Hamburg industry network since 2011. I studied History and English and have a soft spot for technical issues.

by Astrid Dose