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Modern energy supply in international comparison 5th International Cleantech Convention in Hamburg

Sustainable mobility, energy efficiency, smart grids – the 450 international and German participants discussed these issues at the 5th International Cleantech Convention during the last week of May in Hamburg. Following the invitation of the Renewable Energy Hamburg Cluster, 46 representatives of 12 international clusters visited the Free and Hanseatic City of Hamburg.

“I am very glad that I had the possibility to contribute to a very successful 5th International Cleantech Convention with my presentation on decentralised energy supply concepts in Hamburg. The field reports from other regions like Colorado and Copenhagen were of particular interest,” stated Jan Sudeikat, Hamburg Energie GmbH.

The official workshop programme consisted of workshops on several topics. A Sustainable Mobility workshop was held in the modern Hamburg HafenCity, together with a workshop on Urban Efficiency in the area of the International Building Exhibition IBA. The Smart Grids and Renewable Energy workshop was held in the Hamburg Ministry of Economics, Transport and Innovation. Dr Dietrich Graf, Managing Director of Stromnetz GmbH held a presentation on the future Hamburg power grid related to further growth of renewable energy sources.

Not only energy issues played a crucial role during the 5th International Cleantech Convention but also informal networking – for instance during the Senate dinner reception in the Hamburg city hall or at the barbecue on top of the “Energiebunker” (a flak-bunker from the second world war, now used as an energy storage and renewable generation centre) at the area of the International Building Exhibition.

by Nils Müller