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Maritime research in the age of energy transition Fraunhofer Center for Maritime Logistics and Services

Sea terminals and energy transition – how do these fit together? A research team from the Hamburg University of Technology is currently developing a “Terminal Knowledge Landscape” at the Fraunhofer Center for Maritime Logistics and Services (CML) in a project supported by the EU. Current and future energy consumption at terminals are clearly visible on this knowledge landscape. The landscape will serve as the basis of innovative energy management. This management is clearly aimed at a greater use of renewable energy.

”The energy consumption of a modern container terminal, which we investigated in a project, consists of roughly one third electricity and two thirds fuel. However, the trend is moving towards electrical equipment. The electricity for this can be produced by environmentally friendly wind turbines”, says Professor Carlos Jahn, Head of the Fraunhofer CML.

Part of the necessary electricity is to be produced by offshore wind farms. Due to the great distance to the coast, the currently planned wind farms face enormous challenges. In order to make the best use of this time window, CML has developed a toolbox to help systematically develop various logistical concepts. This takes a range of factors into account, such as the size and distance of the wind farm, the frequency of transports and the weather conditions. The results are transport chains with ships or helicopters working either as a direct supply or via intermediate locations such as islands or offshore service platforms.

The examples show: In terms of renewable energy, maritime logistics is a user and service provider in equal measure. In both cases, the CML will support the industry with its research and innovative solutions.The Fraunhofer Center for Maritime Logistics and Services has been headed by Professor Carlos Jahn at the Hamburg University of Technology since 2010. 30 research associates are optimising processes and systems along the maritime supply chain.

by Nils Müller