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Interview with Jan Wiemer - Winner of Dissertation of the Year, German Renewables Award 2021

Interview with Jan Wiemer -
Jan Wiemer and Rüdiger Theophil at GRA ceremony 2021 (EEHH GmbH)

In the following interview the GRA winner Jan Wiemer talks about future plans and ambitions.

EEHH: Dear Mr Wiemer, congratulations once again on winning the German Renewables Awards in the ‘Dissertation of the Year’ category! What projects are you currently working on?

Jan Wiemer: “Thank you! Having completed my Master’s, I’m undertaking a follow-up study for Avacon Netz GmbH, which also deals with overhead power line monitoring in combination with curtailments within the context of peak capping. In addition to wind energy feed-in, it also examines the impact of PV system feed-in and develops the existing methodology for calculating the SFK factor. As part of the SpiN-AI research project, we are also developing a demonstrator to simulate and visualise time series-based active power curtailments. In the long term, I’d like to complete my PhD and continue to work in research. I’m very excited by the many interesting people and ideas you can come across in this field.”

EEHH: What do you think of the new German government?

Jan Wiemer: “I hope that the coalition will provide new impetus for the implementation of the energy transition. Of course, this will also require a great deal of money and lots of investment and is ultimately about the economic damage caused by climate change. Scientists have been predicting climate change for a long time now, but so far this has failed to provide sufficient assistance. Clearly, there is a continued lack of consistent implementation in all sectors.”

EEHH: In your view, what are the most significant developments in the renewable energies sector?

Jan Wiemer: “Primarily, the huge expansion of renewable energies. We also need digitalisation in order to be able to offset fluctuations in the energy supply with the help of needs-based regulatory measures. The grid must be able to respond reliably to these fluctuations. Heat pumps could play a decisive role in the successful transition of the heating sector. I also think it’s important to reduce bureaucratic barriers. Basically, the initiatives of all citizens should be encouraged rather than thwarted. I also regard renewable energies as a key economic factor for Germany and the EU, with many potential and existing jobs.”

About Astrid Dose

Profilbild zu: Astrid Dose

Talking, writing, organising – and having lots of fun! This is what my days at the EEHH Cluster look like. I’ve been responsible for public relations and marketing for the Hamburg industry network since 2011. I studied History and English and have a soft spot for technical issues.

by Astrid Dose