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Full house at evening lecture for visitors from the world of politics and business in Berlin Great interest in event held by offshore associations
The event themed “Offshore. Deutschlands Windstärke” (Offshore. Germany’s Wind Power) and held on 19 March was arranged by the offshore wind industry and took place at the representation of Mecklenburg-West Pomerania in the Ministergärten in Berlin. Interest in the event was great: 300 politicians, administrators and members of the industry signed up.
Both Uwe Beckmeyer, Parliamentary State Secretary at the Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology, and Christian Pegel, the new Minister of Energy, Infrastructure and Regional Development in Mecklenburg-West Pomerania, demonstrated that they were pro-offshore. Uwe Beckmeyer clearly committed to the development goal of 6.5 GW by 2020, and promised not to restrict capacity allocations too greatly. Minister Christian Pegel underlined the expertise of the north German state governments, and reminded the Federal Government of its promise to extend the acceleration model without degression until 2019.
Three industry representatives recounted their offshore success stories. Jan Rispens, Managing Director of Renewable Energy Hamburg and representative of OWIA (Offshore Wind Industry Alliance), clearly illustrated how deeply the industry was anchored in industrial value added in Germany, and the economic contribution offshore wind will be able to make.
The positive reception during the hot phase of the EEG (Renewable Energy Sources Act) reform process (decision of the cabinet expected on 8 April; the parliamentary procedure already ends on 11 July) emphasises that the question of reliable framework conditions for the offshore wind industry is at the top of Berlin’s political agenda, and that it urgently requires an solution.
Speeches and background information are available for download at: