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Energy systems of the future – from the Hamburg Metropolitan Region The Renewable Energy Hamburg Cluster presents its strategy for 2016 to 2020.
Three pioneering studies, three cluster guidebooks, major joint stands at the WindEnergy Hamburg and Husum Wind trade fairs, involvement in many innovation projects – the Renewable Energy Hamburg Cluster can look back on a highly successful first five years. Together with the service provider VDI Innovation + Technik GmbH, it has developed its strategy for the next few years. It takes into account the latest developments on the energy market and the importance of renewable energy sources. The strategy continues to focus on the core areas of wind energy and services for renewable energy sources, but is also developing renewable heat generation as well as energy conversion and storage. The leitmotif for the new strategy is “Energy system of the future”, highlighting the importance of interaction between energy technologies.
“Renewable Energy Hamburg is a highly successful cluster and works hard to remain so. Its 187 member companies from the industrial sector, medium-sized companies and research institutions are clear proof of this. These networks are productive and must be developed. That is exactly what the new strategy will do. It will enable Hamburg to maximise its potential for renewable energy sources and expand it,” says Frank Horch, Hamburg’s Senator for Economics, Transport and Innovation.
“I am delighted to have helped shape the Renewable Energy Hamburg Cluster as president of the development association over the past five years. Together with all of the members, we have made a key contribution to developing the renewable energy sector in the Hamburg metropolitan region as well as export markets. We want to continue this successful work in future,” explains Michael Westhagemann, CEO of Siemens AG Northern Region.
“We look to the future of the Renewable Energy Hamburg Cluster full of optimism. The evaluation of our development to date shows that we recognise and fulfil the needs of the industry very well. In future, we will focus increasingly on heat and storage in addition to the wind energy and services areas. A systematic approach offers potential,” says managing director of the Renewable Energy Hamburg Cluster Jan Rispens.
Roughly 190 members are active in the Renewable Energy Hamburg Cluster. In future, they are to network more and initiate even more joint projects. The Hamburg renewable energy research environment is an important part of this.The Renewable Energy Hamburg Cluster will intensify its previous activities in the wind energy sector. It will further prioritise overseas markets and the full life cycle of wind turbines. The Renewable Energy Hamburg Cluster views the heating sector as the greatest potential for the increasing use of renewable energy sources. The cluster aims to achieve a pioneering role for the use of renewable energy sources in the heating sector.
Five superordinate interdisciplinary topics link the four core topics. This involves extending the portfolio of members and closer cooperation between industry and research. It also includes education and advanced training, internationalisation of small and medium-sized companies as well as information and communication technology.