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Editorial November

Editorial November
Wind Energy Hamburg 2018

As the year comes to a close, the discussions over amending the Renewable Energy Act (Erneuerbare-Energien-Gesetz, EEG) and the Offshore Wind Energy Act [WindSeeGesetz] are gaining traction once again. Initially, the discussions have made it clear that the many warnings from the industry over the past few years in political Berlin have only led to increasing awareness among some stakeholders in the final stages. That makes the debate even more intensive, whether this is over, for example, the pending implementation of the action plan to revive the onshore wind energy expansion, or the 16 GW of older wind farms that can hardly continue to be operated through 2025 after the expiration of the financing under the Renewable Energy Act, or the exact tendering terms for offshore wind farms, or, last but not least, large and smaller solar farms on buildings and the increasingly restrictive regulation of these. Until the end of the year, there is still a little time left to correct the many undesirable developments and unnecessary restrictions in the draft of the Renewable Energy Act. Perhaps it would be helpful to look toward Brussels where more ambitious expansion targets for renewable energies are being pursued?

In the area of offshore wind, the EEHH webinar programme is perfect for the debate on the Renewable Energy Act. On 22 October we consulted a first-class panel on the advantages of “contracts for difference” for offshore wind parks in comparison to the “second bid component” in the planned Offshore Wind Energy Act. In the draft bill, an area can be auctioned to the highest bidder in the future, if the electricity is sold outside of the Renewable Energy Act. This would have a strong price-driving effect for planned offshore wind farms, as the risks of this model would significantly increase the financing costs. However, not only this topic was addressed in the series. It also covered aspects of offshore hydrogen production in another episode and the innovative floating “Tetraspar” concept by the wind pioneer Henrik Stiesdal in yet another.

Many digital offerings full of interesting content have been prepared for you by our Cluster Agency and can be found during these autumn days when we are unfortunately again confronting increasing infection figures and more restrictive rules of conduct. “WindEnergy Hamburg”, the leading global trade fair in the wind industry, will take place at the beginning of December and is already casting its digital shadows. We look forward to being able to make a contribution in all these digital formats from our region. And even more than that, we look forward to seeing you there!

About Astrid Dose

Profilbild zu: Astrid Dose

Talking, writing, organising – and having lots of fun! This is what my days at the EEHH Cluster look like. I’ve been responsible for public relations and marketing for the Hamburg industry network since 2011. I studied History and English and have a soft spot for technical issues.
