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Current emobility trends in the metropolitan region of Hamburg Assessment by the Renewable Energy Hamburg Cluster

DHL, GP Joule, Innogy - all companies that have recently been focussing on adding electric vehicles to their fleets. Hamburg has been one of the four German Model Emobility Regions funded by the Federal Ministry of Transport and Digital Infrastructure since 2010. The project focuses on testing electric cars and the associated charging infrastructure as well as the road capability of battery-driven cars and utility vehicles.
As a Model Emobility Region, Hamburg has built up extensive know-how as well as the biggest electric fleet in Germany. Over 1,500 electric cars are roaming the streets of the Hanseatic City. With about 400 vehicles, Hamburg has the largest municipal fleet of electric cars. In addition, the city, i.e. Stromnetz Hamburg, is developing one of the most comprehensive charging networks including 400 charging points.
The cluster network meeting on 14 June focussed on electricity grids and their relevance to emobility. Prof Dr Detlef Schulz of Helmut Schmidt University presented the results of his study on behalf of Hamburger Hochbahn and Stromnetz Hamburg on emobility's needs in terms of the electricity grid, specifically electric buses. For the first time, the authors took a close look at the impact of emobility on the grid of a big city.
The Free and Hanseatic City of Hamburg has set the following priorities in terms of emobility:
- emobility solutions in commercial transport
- Development of an inner-city charging infrastructure
- Multi-modal mobility concepts
The Renewable Energy Hamburg Cluster considers emobility as an interface that can be used to promote the integration of renewable energy in the transport sector. Based on the rising supply of renewable energy, both 'direct' use in the emobility field and power-to-gas technology will play a key role in the conversion into chemically-bound energy. On top of this, the Cluster also focuses on issues associated with the need to improve the grid infrastructure (electricity/gas).