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Comments on the offshore wind energy agreement concluded by Federal Minister for the Environment Peter Altmaier and Lower Saxony’s Prime Minister Stephan Weil Cluster statement
In its capacity as member of the Offshore-Windindustrie-Allianz (OWIA), the Renewable Energy Hamburg Cluster has commented as follows on the offshore wind energy agreement concluded today by Federal Minister for the Environment Peter Altmaier and Lower Saxony’s Prime Minister Stephan Weil:
- With offshore wind energy contributing substantially to the success of the German energy revolution, this decision will have a very positive impact. Offshore wind energy, which generates large quantities of clean electricity in the North and Baltic Seas, represents a key element of Germany’s future energy mix.
- The resolution gives a clear signal to investors and ensures transparent and reliable framework conditions.
- Today’s agreement creates a key condition necessary for triggering investments in the second expansion phase. This will secure many jobs in Germany. Nationwide, the offshore sector already employs over 18,000 people. It is important that the grid expansion is implemented according to schedule and further delays are avoided. The Federal Network Agency should confirm the offshore grid development plan in its current form as soon as possible.
- Furthermore, today’s decision will finally facilitate the tapping of cost cutting potentials in the offshore sector.
Link to the agreement: