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"Africa's Sustainable Energy Future" 12th German-African Energy Forum

"Africa's Sustainable Energy Future"
Marokko, an interesting PV export market (pixelio)

The increasing importance of renewable energies in supplying power to the African continent is the focus of the twelfth German-African Energy Forum, organised by the German-African Business Association. The Renewable Energy Hamburg Cluster is supporting the conference as a partner.

In addition to developments in the wind energy, water, solar and biomass markets, the speakers will also present on the management of energy systems, decentralised energy supply especially for industrial wholesale customers, and on issues such as how to better finance and support renewable energies.

Programme highlights are:

  • High Level Outlook: How can Africa gain from a sustainable energy future and how will Africa move towards such a future?
  • Connecting a “clean powered” Africa – reliable energy systems and energy system management
  • Hydropower – German technologies for Africa’s most widely used renewable resource
  • Energizing Africa: national and international initiatives and associated opportunities for the private sector
  • Indeed Africa! Innovative ideas and the power of the Young German-African Business Network
  • Financing and insuring energy projects – speed meetings

Since 2006, the German-African Energy Forum has become one of the most important platforms for European-African cooperation in the field of energy. It has almost 4,000 participants from 52 African countries.

Platinum sponsor: ABB

Premium sponsors: CMS, Gauff, Lahmeyer International, Pfisterer, Voith

Information and registration at:

Organisers: German-African Business Association (Afrika-Verein der deutschen Wirtschaft)
Date: 24th/25th April 2018
Venue: Handelskammer Hamburg, Adolphsplatz 1, Hamburg

About Astrid Dose

Profilbild zu: Astrid Dose

Talking, writing, organising – and having lots of fun! This is what my days at the EEHH Cluster look like. I’ve been responsible for public relations and marketing for the Hamburg industry network since 2011. I studied History and English and have a soft spot for technical issues.

by Astrid Dose