Universität Hamburg
As the largest research and education institution in Northern Germany, and the third-largest university in Germany, the Universität Hamburg combines a wide range of study programmes with excellent research. The university has two clusters as part of the "Bundesexzellenzinitiative", the German federal initiative to promote excellence: the “Integrated Climate System Analysis and Prediction” and “Hamburg Centre for Ultrafast Imaging: Structure, Dynamics and Control of Matter at the Atomic Scale”. Energy research is conducted primarily at the Faculty of Mathematics, Information Technology and Natural Sciences, as well as at the Faculty of Economics and Social Science.
The Universität Hamburg offers the opportunity to choose from around 170 programmes of study at six faculties. It is dedicated to the concept of sustainable academic studies, and takes a broad approach towards sustainability research and teaching in all faculties. The interdisciplinary “Center for a Sustainable University” acts as a platform for the development and inspection of new academic procedures and methods in relation to sustainability.