
Treo - Labor für Umweltsimulation GmbH

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Treo - Labor für Umweltsimulation GmbH

Treo - the accredited test laboratory for product and component tests

Environmental simulation, material testing, electrical safety, electromagnetic compatibility (EMC): In these four areas, we test products, devices and components for their function and any weak points. We offer our customers individual solutions and tailor-made test programs from a single source. Our testing experts accompany you from the test specification to tests accompanying development to the accredited approval test. Treo ensures that newly developed products meet the required standards for market introduction.

During their service life, devices and components are exposed to a wide variety of loads. These can be environmental influences such as heat, cold and humidity, vibration or electromagnetic radiation. It all depends on where and how they are used. In close cooperation with our customers, we examine whether they can withstand these loads.

As an accredited test laboratory, we support manufacturers and developers from the implementation of specific test specifications to tests accompanying development to accredited approval tests. Ideally, we test our customer’s components at an early stage of the product development process. So you can be sure, that the products are future-proof.

We also support our customers in improving their products if our experts have discovered defects during the tests. We have particular expertise in the aviation, shipbuilding and renewable energy sectors.

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