University of Technology Hamburg-Harburg
The generation of renewable energy from wind, waves and flows, especially offshore, geothermal energy and biomass are major research areas of TUHH, which are processed in the “Green Technologies” area of expertise. The subjects “Consequences of the climate change” and “Climate protection”, with the roughly 7,500 students, 100 professors and more than 600 research assistants account for much of the teaching and research. Areas such as “Buildings on and by the sea”, “Maritime Systems”, “Material Sciences” and “Aviation Research” are closely related to this. Prof. Dr. - Ing. Andreas Timm-Giele, Vice President of Research and Head of the Institute for Communicative Grids, plans to strengthen the research activities on renewable energy at TUHH with the assistance of the Renewable Energy Hamburg Cluster. Renewable energy-specific classes and courses are also planned.