Dornier Suntrace GmbH

Founded in Hamburg in 2009, Dornier Suntrace GmbH today contributes to the successful development of customer Renewable Energy projects around the world. Thanks to many years of experience and leading technical expertise, Dornier Suntrace has so far implemented solutions for more than 100 projects in Europe, Asia-Pacific, the Middle East, Africa and Latin America. The company's services range from Renewable Energy Resource Assessment to Owner's Engineering and Commissioning. In addition to complete technical planning, Dornier Suntrace also offers support in financing and project development. Moreover, the international team is committed to cutting-edge solutions such as electricity or energy storage, distributed energy supply, power-to-X or water desalination and irrigation in the field of industrial or municipal heat supply. Since 2019, Dornier Suntrace has been part of the Dornier Group and can thus draw on a strong network of expertise in all infrastructure sectors, covering not only the energy sector but also the aviation, real estate, mobility and water sectors in particular.