suena GmbH i.G.
We're developing the first cloud computing and AI based autopilot for energy storages. Our software is a real time optimization and trading SaaS software that optimizes the operation of energy storages and renewable energies for different applications, users and markets. This helps operators to automatically respond in real time to market dynamics and grid limitations.
We offer suenOS - operating system for large-scale battery energy systems incl. the programable logic controler (PLC) - and suena autopilot, which optimizes the operation and trading of any energy storage (and in combination with renewables).
Our web-based user interface and our API makes it easy to set up the software to match energy storage and renewable energies portfolio via plug and play.
Our software’s flexible and modular design allows easy adaption to different customer requirements, power plants, power markets and regulations in different countries worldwide. For the customer it means flexibility and for us scalability.