
Logistik-Initiative Hamburg

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Logistik-Initiative Hamburg

The network, which was awarded the EU Gold Label of the European Cluster Excellence Initiative, is supported by the Free and Hanseatic City of Hamburg as well as companies and institutions from the Hamburg metropolitan region, which have come together in the Logistics Initiative Hamburg (Logistik-Initiative Hamburg e.V.). With over 500 member companies and institutions from industry, trade, the service sector, research and development as well as numerous public institutions, the Logistics Initiative Hamburg is the biggest European local network in its sector. The aim of this public private partnership is to further develop the position of the Hamburg metropolitan region as the leading logistics metropolis in Northern Europe and to link logistic-related companies and institutions. For this purpose, the Logistics Initiative Hamburg offers a wide-reaching service portfolio and together with its partners it is the first point of contact for all questions regarding logistic-related business for companies, institutions and the public in the Hamburg metropolitan region.

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