
Hamburg Commercial Bank AG

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Hamburg Commercial Bank AG

Hamburg Commercial Bank – from an industrial pioneer to a leading financier
We are one of the leading financiers in the area of renewable energy. We are not only active throughout Europe, but also in American and Asian selected markets. We accompany project business within the asset classes onshore wind, offshore wind, solar and hydroelectric power. Our clients benefit from our recognized expertise and many years of experience – the bank was after all one of the first banks that financed renewable energy projects. Since then we have contributed to many success stories in this field over the past 25 years.
Our financing solutions are based on a deep business understanding for our partners and their objectives. Among other things, we offer working capital lines, short- and long-term project financing, liquidity management and various risk management products. In addition, we support our clients with services in connection with the purchase and sale of projects and company shares and the origination and negotiation of power purchase agreements for projects with merchant risks.
The volume of our about 240 projects in the wind and solar business alone totals around € 5 billion, which means that we are in the first rank when it comes to renewable energies.

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