
Cuxhavener Hafen Entwicklungsgesellschaft (CuxHafEn GmbH)

Logo von: Cuxhavener Hafen Entwicklungsgesellschaft (CuxHafEn GmbH)
Cuxhavener Hafen Entwicklungsgesellschaft (CuxHafEn GmbH)

The main aim of the Cuxhavener Hafen Entwicklungsgesellschaft, or Cuxhaven port development company, is to develop and market industrial and commercial areas in proximity to the port. The company is headed by managing directors Dr Hans-Joachim Stietzel and Peter Miesner. It also promotes the establishment and relocation of industrial, commercial and service companies. In this regard, the company has made a name for itself as a partner to the wind energy industry. Its focus is on the development of the best possible infrastructure for Cuxhaven as an offshore base which is tailor-made to meet the needs of the offshore wind energy industry.

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