Baugenossenschaft dhu eG
Baugenossenschaft dhu eG was founded in 1925 and now has more than 4,350 flats and around 7300 members. And that in almost all of Hamburg's districts! In accordance with its statutes, dhu not only builds and maintains flats for its members, but also keeps an eye on the neighbourhoods. It promotes neighbourhoods and neighbourhoods with social neighbourhood development and supports members with social counselling if required. The non-profit dhu Foundation promotes projects and initiatives, preferably in the neighbourhoods in which dhu has housing stock.
The tenants are members and participate in the company through cooperative shares. The democratic structure of dhu enables members to help shape the cooperative.
As a member, you can participate. Every member has voting rights and elects the members of the representatives' meeting or can have themselves elected to the representatives' meeting - the highest body of a cooperative.