
Springschool Hydrogen Technology

Springschool Hydrogen Technology

This springschool is intended as a scientific exchange on the subject of hydrogen related technologies and their applications – from generation of hydrogen and its derivatives over storage and distribution to end use and start-ups in the field. It will give insights from the point of view of research as well as hydrogen related industries.

  • Organisers:
    • Helmholtz-Zentrum Hereon
    • DLR Institute of Maritime Energy Systems
    • DLR Institute of Networked Energy Systems
    • FH Westküste University of Applied Sciences (FHW)
  • Target group
    • PhD and Master students. A certificate of attendance will be issued.
  • Cost
    • An attendance fee of 100,- Euros will be requested by sending an invoice after registration. A limited amount of funding is available for covering fees of attendants from economically disadvantaged countries.
  • Language
    • The event will be held in English language

Dates: 21.03.2022 - Fr, 25.03.2022

Please find more information and a link for registration here.

Über Astrid Dose

Profilbild zu: Astrid Dose

Reden, schreiben und organisieren – und das mit viel Spaß! So sehen meine Tage beim EEHH-Cluster aus. Seit 2011 verantworte ich die Öffentlichkeitsarbeit und das Marketing des Hamburger Branchennetzwerkes. Von Haus aus bin ich Historikerin und Anglistin, mit einem großen Faible für technische Themen.
