
National group of medium-sized companies relies on innovative climate protection technology from a hamburg start-up Group of medium-sized companies relies on innovative climate protection technology from a Hamburg start-up

National group of medium-sized companies relies on innovative climate protection technology from a hamburg start-up

A coalition of medium-sized companies has united to endorse a pioneering climate protection technology. eFuel GmbH is jointly investing in innovative technologies for the production of synthetic fuels using direct air capture (DAC).

As part of the Hamburg Blue Hub project, eFuel GmbH is a shareholder in DACMA GmbH. DACMA GmbH is a Hamburg-based start-up with a pioneering technology for climate protection. One of DACMA’s current projects involves the construction of a direct air capture plant in the Port of Hamburg with a capacity of 60 tons of CO2 per year. This plant will filter CO2 from the ambient air, which can then be used as a raw material for the production of e-methanol or e-fuels, for example. This project is regarded as an important Hamburg lighthouse project and is intended to play a pioneering role in climate protection. This full-scale research and demonstration plant will focus on further researching and optimizing the technology before presenting it to an interested audience from the fields of science, politics, and business.

DACMA GmbH has already produced several DAC units in Hamburg and delivered them to customers in South America. In South America, the CO2 is to be extracted from the atmosphere and stored underground using CCS (Carbon Capture and Storage).

This partnership between SMEs and start-ups demonstrates the commitment of medium-sized companies to a sustainable and climate-friendly future. The innovative direct air capture technology represents a significant development in the fight against climate change and offers a promising solution for reducing CO2 emissions. The following shareholders from the eFuel GmbH group are participating in DACMA: Anton Willer GmbH, CLASSIC Tankstellen GmbH & Co. KG, Feldhaus Energie GmbH, Jorczyk Energie KG, Mönneke Mineralöle GmbH & Co. KG, Adolf Präg GmbH & Co. KG und SCORE GmbH.

Jörg Spitzner, founder and Managing Director of DACMA GmbH, is enthusiastic about the collaboration: “We are proud to be able to further develop our direct air capture technology together with eFuel GmbH and its committed shareholders. The support from SMEs is a strong signal for climate protection and innovation in Germany. With our planned plant in the Port of Hamburg, we aim to demonstrate that it is possible to filter CO2 directly from the air and incorporating it into a self sustaining circular economy. This approach will adress the needs of the mobility and chemical industries while also meeting the decarbonization requirements of our industry. This is not only a technical advancement, but also a significant contribution to a sustainable future. We are eager to continue advancing our technology here in Hamburg and collaborate to pave the way for a climate-neutral future.”

This highlights Jörg Spitzner’s enthusiasm for the project and undercores the vital support from SMEs as well as the innovation and sustainability of the technology.

Hanspeter Tiede, Managing Director of Hamburger Lother GmbH, emphasizes: “As shareholders of eFuel GmbH, the cooperation with DACMA GmbH as part of the Hamburg Blue Hub is a clear commitment for all of us to the responsibility we bear for the environment and future generations. With the Direct-Air-Capture technology, we want to investigate the possibility of using atmospheric CO2 as a circular feedstock for valuable synthetic fuels, using the internationally recognized carbon test method with a focus on C14 isotopes. This is a decisive step towards a climate-neutral future and shows how innovation and entrepreneurial courage can achieve great things together.”

Über Astrid Dose

Profilbild zu: Astrid Dose

Reden, schreiben und organisieren – und das mit viel Spaß! So sehen meine Tage beim EEHH-Cluster aus. Seit 2011 verantworte ich die Öffentlichkeitsarbeit und das Marketing des Hamburger Branchennetzwerkes. Von Haus aus bin ich Historikerin und Anglistin, mit einem großen Faible für technische Themen.

von Astrid Dose