
Digital Workshop on Cooperation on Green Hydrogen between Northern Germany and South Korea Renewable Energy Hamburg Cluster is part of international digital workshop in October

Digital Workshop on Cooperation on Green Hydrogen between Northern Germany and South Korea

The Consulate General of the Republic of Korea in Hamburg is hosting a Digital Workshop on Cooperation on Green Hydrogen between Northern Germany and South Korea in the morning of Wednesday, 20 October 2021. Green hydrogen has proven itself as a key to carbon-free economy across the globe. Northern Germany, in particular, is leading a number of initiatives to position itself as the strongest future region for green hydrogen in Europe, backed up with its extensive expertise in wind energy. At the same time, South Korea is taking initial steps to embrace green hydrogen in its journey to a hydrogen economy with solid governmental support and advanced automobile technology.

The Consulate aims to bring together the important players of the two countries in the field of green hydrogen, and promote the interaction and synergy between the future partners.

09:30h  Welcome Remarks

            Mr. Jung Ki-hong | Consul General of the Republic of Korea in Hamburg

09:35h  Congratulatory Remarks

            Mr. Michael Westhagemann | Senator for Economy and Innovation, Hamburg

09:40h Progress in Hamburg’s Green Hydrogen Economy

            Mr. Jan Rispens | Managing Director | Renewable Energy Hamburg Cluster

09:55h  Industrial Scale Green Hydrogen from the North-German Wind Energy Region Heide & PtX-Businesspark

            Mr. Rainer Hesse | Project Manager | Heide Development Agency

            Mr. Kay Haalck | Project Manager | Heide Development Agency

10:10h  Hamburg Green Hydrogen Hub (Moorburg) Project

            Mr. Reinier Waters | Strategy Advisor | Vattenfall

10:25h  Q&A Session

10:35h  Coffee Break

10:45h  Saemangeum Green Hydrogen Production Cluster

            NN | Saemangeum Development and Investment Agency

11:00h  Developing a Hydrogen Industry in Gangwon Province

            Mr. Yoo Jaseok | Head of Energy Disaster Prevention Support Unit | Gangwon Technopark

11:15h  Hydrogen Fuel Cell Vehicles

            Mr. Ronald Grasman | VP Global Fuel Cell Cooperation | Hyundai Motors

11:30h  Q&A Session

11:40h Panel Discussion: Ways to enhance cooperation on green hydrogen between Northern Germany and South Korea

            Mr. Hyunchul Yoon | KOTRA

Mr. Stefan Matz | Hamburg Invest and others

12:00h  Closing Words

The Digital Workshop will be held in the English language, and is open to all stakeholders who are interested in the potential of cooperation in the field of green hydrogen between Northern Germany and South Korea. You are welcome to make a registration at the link below.

Registration link:  

More information:

Contact person:          Ms. Jeeyoung Kim, Consul, General Consulate of the Republic of Korea in Hamburg; Email:

Über Tom Mikus

Profilbild zu: Tom Mikus

Seit 2019 arbeite ich als Projektmanager International für das Erneuerbare Energien Hamburg Cluster und widme mich dem Austausch zu erneuerbaren Energien über die Grenzen Deutschlands hinweg. Hier berichte ich über die aktuellen Entwicklungen und Aktivitäten des Clusters und Erneuerbare-Energien-Standorts Hamburg auf internationaler Ebene.

von Tom Mikus