
Annual Conference - Connecting Powerfuel Hubs - 23rd June 2021 Renewable Energy Hamburg for the first time cooperation partner

Annual Conference - Connecting Powerfuel Hubs - 23rd June 2021

The Global Alliance Powerfuels works towards the development of a global market for powerfuels, including hydrogen. This year’s Powerfuels Conference will focus on Connecting Powerfuel Hubs. They will most likely serve as well as anchors for global trade of hydrogen and its derivatives. Powerfuel Hubs are functional units, where Powerfuels are traded, shipped, stored and produced - such as harbours. And, they will do much more: Powerfuels will be converted, traded and facilited at Powerfuel Hubs.

The 2nd Annual Conference will bring together business practitioners, researchers and policy experts to discuss and define the next steps to develop the Powerfuel hubs and showcase their important role for a global powerfuel market. For this years edition we are partnering with the Renewable Energy Hamburg - the renewable energy network of the city and region of Hamburg in Germany. The city is known for one of the largest harbours worldwide.

Quite a few prominent speakers from Hamburg will give insights into hydrogen projects for example Dr Fabian Ziegler, CEO Shell Deutschland Holding GmbH, Nicole Dreyer-Langlet, Manageing Director Airbus Operations GmbH, and Michael Eggenschwiler, Hamburg Aiport.

Über Astrid Dose

Profilbild zu: Astrid Dose

Reden, schreiben und organisieren – und das mit viel Spaß! So sehen meine Tage beim EEHH-Cluster aus. Seit 2011 verantworte ich die Öffentlichkeitsarbeit und das Marketing des Hamburger Branchennetzwerkes. Von Haus aus bin ich Historikerin und Anglistin, mit einem großen Faible für technische Themen.

von Astrid Dose