
Wind Farm Data Management & Analysis Forum

The forum brings together the wind industry’s thought leaders in the areas of data analysis, engineering, technology, operations and maintenance to discuss practical challenges in technical detail.

So what's in store for 2015...?

This year the overarching theme will be 'Improving Power Performance And Reducing OPEX' . We will examine the latest tools and techniques for ensuring that vast, complex wind farm data is exploited to its full capacity in order to drive business value in these areas.

Crucial topics covered in programme include :

  • Condition monitoring and predictive maintenance: what are our next steps to bring down O&M costs? 
  • Strategic asset management: exploiting data for planning, including end of life
  • Identifying the reasons behind underperformance of turbines
  • Improving energy yield: assessing the business case for optimisation

PLUS, you will have the chance to continue the exciting dicussions and debates at a post-forum dinner taking place at the end of Day 1 (28 October)


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