
Web-Seminar: Cooperation Potentials in H2-Technology – Germany & Korea | HK Hamburg, AHK Korea & OAV

Das Cluster für Erneuerbare Energien Hamburg (EEHH), der Ostasiatische Verein e.V. (OAV), die Handelskammer Hamburg und die Deutsch-Koreanische Industrie- und Handelskammer laden Sie herzlich zu einem internationalen Web-Seminar zum Thema "Cooperation Potentials in H2-Technology – Germany & Korea" ein.

International Web-Seminar:

"Cooperation Potentials in H2-Technology – Germany & Korea"

am Mittwoch, den 25. November 2020, von 09:00 bis 10:30 Uhr

Link zur Anmeldung

Hydrogen is considered a strategically important energy source and a central component for future energy supply in both Germany and Korea. Hamburg and the northern German coastal states are pioneers in the use of hydrogen technologies and promote their development in various areas of application.

What specific opportunities does hydrogen offer for companies in Germany and Korea? In which fields of application are projects already being implemented? How can German and Korean companies work together in the field of hydrogen? These are questions we are addressing in our webinar. We are also presenting hydrogen projects already in implementation by German and Korean companies.


09:00 Welcome
  Barbara Zollmann | President & CEO | Korean-German Chamber of Industry and Commerce (AHK Korea)
  Almut Rößner | Executive Member of the Board | OAV
09:10 The Korean-German Energy Partnership as a Vehicle Cooperation in H2-Technology
  Dr. Nicole Glanemann | Deputy Head of Division, Bilateral Energy Cooperation | Federal Ministry of Economics and Energy
  PARK Hoon | Director Energy Technology Division | Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy
09:30 H2 application projects in Germany and Korea
  Hyways for Future | EWE AG (tbc)
  H2 Mobility | Clean Logistics (tbc)
  Green Long Endurance Drone Solution for Better Tomorrow | Doo-Soon Lee | CEO | Doosan Mobility Innovation
  Korea Gas Corporation
10:30 Closing Remarks
  Robert Lorenz-Meyer | Commissioner for International Affairs | Hamburg Chamber of Commerce (tbc)
Moderation: Astrid Dose | Renewable Energy Hamburg Cluster Agency (EEHH)