Obstruction Lighting and ADLS for Wind Turbines

All across Europe, there exists a recognition of a need for a general set of rules for obstruction lighting of wind turbines, rules should be preferably international, at least valid within the European Union. Get first-hand information from the international wind industry on how to meet the challenge of public acceptance by balancing aviation safety and visual impact of turbine lighting.
• Get an insight into the demand, legislative framework and rules for obstruction lighting across Europe
• Hear about the initiatives to establish potential international technical standards for obstruction lighting and ADLS
• Get an update on the policy of UK, France, Austria and the Netherlands in terms of guidance, approval processes and type examination for obstruction lighting
• Receive first-hand information and profit from lessons learned in projects with primary radar, passive radar and transponder systems
• Take a deep dive into the different technologies for ADLS by meeting the solution providers on our marketplace
Here you find the program and registration