Low Wind Forum
How commercially viable are low wind sites?
As the availability of onshore high-wind sites decreases, low to medium wind sites (IEC II/III) are becoming feasible alternatives.
Yet concerns over energy yield, as well as O&M and set-up costs, need to be addressed.
Use this forum to assess the feasibility of a low-wind project or learn how to maximise an existing project. In particular you will find out about:
- Understanding the variables which affect the viability and ROI of low to medium wind sites
- Assessing the factors which affect the quality of the wind resource
- Technology available to optimise energy output on these sites and the implications for planning and development consents
- Low wind site developers’ perspectives: Ilmatar Windpower, juwi, VenSol and Saba Wind Oy
Veranstalter: Hay Market
Termin: 30. / 31. Oktober 2013
Ort: Steigenberger Hotel Treudelberg, Hamburg, Lemsahler Landstraße 45