2. VDI Conference Maintenance of Wind Turbines
Preventative and cost-effective maintenance is the key to success of wind turbine operation optimized for earnings and yields. O&M costs for a new onshore turbine make up to 20%–25% of the total
levelised costs per kWh produced over the turbine’s lifetime. Offshore
O&M is even 2–6 times higher than onshore O&M.
Our 2nd
international conference “Maintenance of Wind Turbines” will present the
latest state of knowledge of maintenance concepts with a special focus
• Comparative study of different thriving maintenance concepts
• Choosing the most efficient O&M strategy for your wind farm
Veranstalter: VDI Wissenforum e.V.
Termin: 5./6. März 2013, 09:30 - 18:30 Uhr
Ort: Sofitel Hamburg Alter Wall