DNV GL stand presentations at the Wind Energy 2016 - Floating LiDAR Systems: Current Technology Status and Aspects of Long Term Deployments

The presentations take place at the DNV GL stand 324 in hall B4 EG Floating LiDAR Systems: Current Technology Status and Aspects of Long Term Deployments Leading Floating Lidar manufacturers from Fraunhofer IWES, Fugro OCEANOR, AXYS Technologies and technical advisor for the renewables industry DNV GL are jointly presenting the current technology status of floating Lidar systems and aspects of long term deployments for offshore wind resource assessments: • Introduction and overview of current status of floating Lidar technology by Detlef Stein, DNV GL • Requirements for improved floating Lidar system maturity by Bernhard Lange, Fraunhofer IWES • Data quality assessment in commercial long-term floating Lidar measurement campaigns by Olaf Sveggen Fugro OCEANOR • Ensuring high data availability and reducing uncertainty - lessons learned from over 15 campaigns on three continents by Graham Howe, AXYS Technologies
Veranstalter: DNV GL Group
Termin: 29. September 2016, 15:00 - 16:30 Uhr
Ort: HH Messe und Congress GmbH, Messeplatz 1, 20357 Hamburg, Halle B4, Stand 324