DNV GL presentation aside the Wind Energy 2016 - DNV GL certification services for rotor blades – an overview

The presentations are taking place at the DNV GL offices in Hamburg: Brooktorkai 18, 20457 Hamburg Agenda Points: 1. DNV GL certification services for rotor blades – an overview - Component certification / Type Certification - Composite materialsLaboratory approvals - Repair approvals - Damage investigations and root cause analyses 2. Introduction to the new rotor blade standard DNVGL-ST-0376, Edition 2015 - Why a new standard? - What is new in it? - How can it benefit your business? 3. Innovation – what's next? - Example: Component testing - Example: Leading edge protection The broad agenda enables you to get an overview of our rotor blade services and latest developments.
Veranstalter: DNV GL Group
Termin: 27. September 2016; 10:00 -12:00 Uhr
Ort: DNV GL Group, Brooktorkai 18, 20457 Hamburg