DESY Industry Satellite Meeting "Analytics for Battery Technologies & Recycling"

Hello to innovators and researchers of battery technologies,
We are happy to announce the upcoming Industry Satellite Meeting on "Analytical Methods for Battery Technologies & Recycling." This Industry Satellite Meeting will take place during the largest conference for photon sciences, the Photon Science User Meeting of DESY and the European XFEL in January 2024.
During the Industry Satellite Meeting, short key notes by experts from science and industry will explore the current state of analytical methods with the focus on open questions and challenges, such as degradation processes during life time, optimization of capacities and substitution of rare elements by sustainable materials. A focus of the workshop is to showcase best practices in x-ray science when it comes to batteries as well as explore solutions towards higher efficiencies, better processes and sustainability in the recycling process.
The agenda will follow in due course and will include next to latest insights from science as well as industrial R&D room for discussion and networking opportunities.
We look forward to welcoming you on campus or virtually and invite you to follow or sign up to additional specific talks or agenda items within the Photon Science User Meeting 2024, more information will be available soon.
Stay tuned for further details. Should you have any inquiries in the meantime, do not hesitate to get back to me. Feel free to forward this mail to colleagues or contacts who might be interested in attending this workshop discussing the advancements of energy storage solutions.
Best regards,
Nadja Kölpin & Sabine Brock