Wind Expo Special - Canadian Wind Energy Business Opportunities and Markets

Thursday, Sept. 29th, 2016, 10.40 - 13.15 (incl. Lunch), Hamburg Expo, Messeplatz 1, 20357 Hamburg, Hall A4, Room A4.3
Sponsors: Ontario International Office Munich and Government of Canada in Germany
Partners: Canadian German Chamber Toronto/Montreal and Network Agency Renewable Energy Schleswig-Holstein
Business opportunities in Canada‘s wind energy and niche markets off-grid and cold climate
Matthew Wadham-Gagnon, Project Manager, Business Development Coordinator, Technocentre éolien
Challenges for the wind industry – Field report of a wind turbine manufacturer
Duncan Elliot, Commercial Manager, ENERCON Canada Inc.
Alberta’s Climate Leadership Plan and wind power potential
Wes Sawatzky, Director, Cross-Ministry Strategy Invest Alberta, Alberta Ministry of Economic Development and Trade
The future of offshore wind in Atlantic Canada
Eddie Rutanga, Business Development Officer, International Business Development, Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency
Kirby Mercer, CEO and Founder, Beothuk Energy, Newfoundland & Labrador Environmental Industry Ass. member
Panel Discussion: “New Canadian Wind Energy - Business Opportunities and Markets”
Moderator: Jan Rispens, Managing Director, Renewable Energy Hamburg
Karine Asselin, Manager Business Development, ENERCON Canada Inc.
Arndt Ulland, Science and Technology, Canadian Embassy
Ian Comishin, Operations, PH Windsolutions Inc.