2nd Unlocking Industries - Hydrogen in Africa
Afrika-Verein (German-African Business Association) hosts the
2nd Unlocking Industries - Hydrogen in Africa:
Transforming Infrastructure & Partnerships
- Part of the “German-African Energy Forum” brand -
June 14th & 15th, 2023
Hamburg (Panoramadeck of the Emporio Tower)
In the fight against climate change Germany has one main destination: Hydrogen (H2). International allies are needed to boost this momentum, build a global H2 market and sustain our industries and our wealth - the African continent could be one important partner.
Various African countries have created coalitions, pledged to become producers of green hydrogen and are well positioned to be one of Europe’s main partners.
But who are the first movers? How and where will we build the necessary infrastructure? What about the logistics? What role will transition technologies play? How will green energy and hydrogen production go hand in hand with development in Africa? And last but not least: how can we achieve the successful transition for our industries?
These and more questions will be discussed with German and African leaders in politics and industry to create feasible solutions for a joint success story.
The early-bird registration is now open on the event-website www.energyafrica.de.