
New Revolutionary Substructure System for Offshore Wind Turbines Interview with first winner of Offshore Innovation Award Esteyco

After eight years of development, Esteyco moves a step further in the demonstration of its revolutionary substructure system for offshore wind turbines, with the construction of a full-scale operational prototype at Gran Canaria, Canary Islands.

New Revolutionary Substructure System for Offshore Wind Turbines
José Serna, CTO of Esteyco, at Offshore Innovation Award Ceremony in 2019 (DNV GL)

The prototype will be the first bottom fixed offshore wind turbine in Spain and in all of southern Europe, and the first one in the World ever to be installed with no need for heavy-lift offshore vessels or cranes. Renewable Energy Hamburg asked Javier Nieto, CEO of Esteyco about his expansion pleans and the consequence of the Covid 19 pandemic for his business.

Renewable Energy Hamburg: “How did the Offshore Innovation Award help you with the further development of your product?“

Javier Nieto: “We cannot assess this quantitatively, but surely it has meant a significant qualitative push to our ELISA technology. Since the award last year we have been of course mentioning it in our presentations to potential clients and we have noted it has increased their receptiveness to our proposals.“

Renewable Energy Hamburg: “What are you current projects?“

Javier Nieto: “With regard to ELISA technology, we are involved in several commercial projects, at different competitive stages. Particularly: 1 prefeasibility analysis, 2 RFIs and 1 pre-Feed stage in which DNV-GL is participating in the TDD of the technology.“

Renewable Energy Hamburg: “ How did the Covid 19 pandemic effect your business? How is the situation on your island?“

Javier Nieto: “It has affected our business, but to a less extent than one would have initially thought. Of course, in our case, the travel limitations are a drawback, as it is always important to get face-to-face impressions, but other than that we have been fine. With regard to our demo project in the Canaries, Covid 19 has delayed some visits and minor maintenance operations which we had planned for the March-May period.“

Renewable Energy Hamburg: “What are you future business plans?“

Javier Nieto: “We want to keep on introducing the ELISA technology into the market, for the moment focusing mainly in the US, Japan and the Baltic, where we will hopefully have the chance to expand our collaboration ways with DNV GL.“

Über Astrid Dose

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Reden, schreiben und organisieren – und das mit viel Spaß! So sehen meine Tage beim EEHH-Cluster aus. Seit 2011 verantworte ich die Öffentlichkeitsarbeit und das Marketing des Hamburger Branchennetzwerkes. Von Haus aus bin ich Historikerin und Anglistin, mit einem großen Faible für technische Themen.

von Astrid Dose